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Chilton Divorce Attorneys
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Chilton Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is no laughing matter; it can take resources, time, and effort to finalize one. It is also an emotionally draining case that anyone should try to avoid as much as possible. But, if you find yourself leaning towards divorce or wish to start the process, you must be prepared to face the legal implications it can bring, especially for your childโ€™s future.

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Fortunately, you can seek the legal services of an experienced Chilton divorce lawyer to help you get past these problems and achieve the result you want for the case. You can count on Davis and Associates, Attorneys at Law to be your legal advocate during this tough legal battle. We are highly rated for providing personalized legal services for anyone who wishes to sort out their divorce as smoothly as possible.

You will be assigned to one of our Chilton divorce lawyers, who will provide legal resources and advice to help you determine what is the best course of action as the case proceeds.

Our legal team will be with you from start to finish and reduce the chances of the divorce proceedings prolonging further.

Call Davis and Associates, Attorneys at Law at (254) 274-5264 for your Consultation with a Chilton Divorce Lawyer.

Dedicated Divorce Support

Every divorce case is different, and the results will not necessarily be the same if one uses a strategy used in another case that results in a favorable resolution. Some cases may be done immediately if either party has no arguments regarding key issues in the divorce. Others may relentlessly argue every key point, resulting in a divorce lasting for years.

At Davis and Associates, Attorneys at Law, we will guide our clients through the Texas legal process for divorce and be your legal representative during the proceedings. From having the paperwork prepared for your properties, sorting out the custody and support arrangements, and modifying the existing arrangements to enforcing them, you can trust our team to do it efficiently. We will also fight for a great result for all parties, especially your children.

Should you wish to skip the legal proceedings because you do not want to face your former spouse, let us know, and we can step in as your legal representative. We will also be with you to assist you in making key decisions that will help you after your divorce.

Child Custody and Child Support

At Davis and Associates, Attorneys at Law, we understand that divorce will change your childโ€™s life immensely if not resolved peacefully. This is the reason why our legal experts will do their best to study the case in depth and create the right legal strategy that will allow you to get a sufficient amount of child support from your former spouse and secure custody of the child. We will also work with your former spouseโ€™s legal team to create a visitation arrangement that suits their situation.

Chilton Divorce Lawyer father daughterSYP15F9IJU 300x200If they fail to provide support or follow the custody agreement, you can trust us to speak to the court about it and make sure the corresponding penalties are given. Our team can also handle the legal negotiations for modifications if needed, should there be any changes in your childโ€™s needs or that of your former partners.

If you are a parent who needs to pay child support, we can help you appeal the amount if you feel that it is not correct or you will be unable to pay for it.

Furthermore, in child custody cases, we will review factors such as the conditions during the custody or visitation arrangement and the lack of resources to appeal or request a modification. Our legal team is also ready to fight for your rights if you are denied access to your child and make sure the other party agrees to the regulations set by the court.

Alimony and Spousal Support

Our Chilton divorce lawyers can also assist parties in resolving alimony or spousal support issues. If you are seeking spousal support, we can assist in helping you get the exact amount you need to help you pick your life back up after the divorce.

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Meanwhile, if you are the one who is ordered to pay spousal support, we can argue against it or get the amount adjusted if you believe that your former spouse is already earning after the proceedings or it is what you can afford.

Texas has three types of spousal support that the court can grant during or after the divorce:

  • Temporary spousal support – This support is granted during the divorce proceedings. It is usually determined through the needs of the receiving party.
  • Spousal maintenance – This support is given after the divorce to the less fortunate recipient and can be temporary or permanent. The amount and length of the support depend on the needs of the receiving party and the length of their marriage.
  • Contractual alimony– This agreement is signed by both parties to cover this aspect of the divorce without getting it approved by the court. Many people often focus on this type of spousal support because it reduces the tax obligation of the paying party and assists in covering property division if cash is not available immediately during the divorce.

Asset and Property Division

Some divorce proceedings take a long time to settle because of asset and property division. Some properties may hold a lot of value, especially to a sentimental extent. Others may be properties that were originally properties owned before the marriage. A few may be concerned with the number of properties given to one party after the division.

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Our Chilton, TX family law firm can work with you to identify the assets and properties that will be included in the case and prepare the documents necessary to protect your separate assets and properties. We can also help you fight for the marital properties that hold value to you, identify the ones that can be used as leverage, and know their overall value. If there are any hidden properties you believe should be included in the case, you can trust us to find them and get the court to include them in the proceedings.

Some of the assets and properties Davis and Associates, Attorneys at Law can help you locate, evaluate and distribute include:

  1. Real estate
  2. Professional practices
  3. Insurance policies
  4. Financial accounts
  5. Privately and publicly held businesses or companies
  6. Foreign assets
  7. Stocks

Davis and Associates, Attorneys at Law can also assist with the distribution of pension and retirement plans and other long-term assets.

Business Owner, High-Value or High-Profile Divorce

Divorce is a complex case, but it becomes a different discussion when the parties involved are high-profile couples or those who own multiple businesses. The case becomes trickier to resolve and, if not handled correctly, becomes a scandal that these parties would like to avoid as much as possible.

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With our Chilton divorce lawyers handling your case, we will handle it with care and ensure that it is resolved as smoothly as possible. We can sit down with you to find out the case specifics, help you check the assets and properties that may be included in the divorce, and fight for the best resolution possible:

  1. Domestic and foreign real estate
  2. Trust funds
  3. Life insurance policies, proceeds, and annuities
  4. All financial accounts
  5. Patents and other intellectual property
  6. Public and privately held companies
  7. Stock options and employee benefit plans
  8. Pensions, retirement accounts, and severance packages
  9. Professional partnerships and practices
  10. Oil and mineral ownership and royalties

Our team will also ensure that no one finds out about your case as the proceedings occur. We will also ensure your separate properties are identified and protected so they wonโ€™t be included in the distribution of properties.

Talk To Our Legal Experts Today

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No one wants to have a failed marriage that leads to a divorce. Still, when it is the only way to heal and protect the children, it must be done with the help of a brilliant divorce lawyer who can provide the right legal service to streamline the case. They will also make it easier for you to understand the laws that may be included in the proceedings, especially if the divorce will include support arrangements and custody.

Donโ€™t hesitate to contact Davis and Associates, Attorneys at Law if you are considering divorce or wish to begin the process. We will assign you to one of our experienced divorce lawyers, who will then sit down with you to learn your case and adjust the legal service accordingly to increase the chances of achieving the desired result. We will represent you in court and even help you plan ahead once the divorce proceedings end.

Call Davis and Associates, Attorneys at Law at (254) 274-5264 for your Consultation with a Chilton Divorce Lawyer.